
There are three sisters in my family, who are all very special for me. None of us wanted to or could have children, which used to bring great sadness to our parents.
My adventurous older sister, Cordelia, started travelling around the world as soon as she left our sweet home. You may think this is no reason to give up having children. Well, it can be one, actually: she ended up teaching a small group of children in a Syrian refugee camp and now she gives them all her love.
I am the middle sister. Some years ago, I met a wonderful woman who eventually became my girlfriend. We had a lot of projects to do, so, if we had tried to adopt a child, we might not have had enough time or money. 
Last but not least, there is my younger sister, the real heroine of this story —my little Virginia. Having always dreamt of being a mother, you may wonder why she had not had one — simply, fertility problems. But after several treatments what we all desired so much happened — a real stroke of luck. In any case, she decided to hide the news from the new grandparents until knowing the baby’s sex, and three months later we all had a big party with the excuse of Virginia’s birthday. In the end, we showed them the new baby’s bedroom. It had been the most surprising thing that had ever happened to them, and probably ever would.

Written by Rosa M Ruiz Laredo  (5º CAL bis)

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