Describing myself (1)


My name’s María Julia but everyone calls me Julia. I’m 51 years old. I’m Spanish and I live in Loja, a town in Granada, but I was born in a town in Córdoba. I’ve never lived in another country.
I’m going to tell you about myself. I do clerical work and I work in a court. I like my job, but sometimes it’s not easy. I live with my husband and my children, a boy and two girls. They’re teenagers. I haven’t a pet because my dog died a week ago.
I have long straight brown hair and dark eyes and my nose is very ugly. I’m a bit overweight, so I always want to go on a diet but I never do.
Nowadays I think I’m a friendly and extrovert person, but when I was a young girl I was shy. I’m very talkative with my friends, but I’m serious in my job.
From Monday to Friday I work in my job only during the morning and I go to English classes on Monday and Wednesday in the afternoon, so I don’t have much free time and when I have it, I like to do sports, watch TV and go out with my family anywhere.
Julia Cobos – 2º B


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