“In the future we won’t need teachers — we’ll all be able to study on line …» (2)


A piece of chalk or a mouse?
I agree only up to a point with this view. It’s clearly undisputed that the internet is providing precise, accessible information for so many. But, on the other hand, I must say that although it’s free, computers and wi-fi are not. Not everyone can have the chance to access it. What about low-income families? Don’t they have the same right to education and to get a worthy job? That’s exactly what a competent, dedicated teacher can do. Teachers can help any good student to have good qualifications for a better future, from Spain to a remote tribe in Africa.
It’s one thing to access the «machine» of the internet for information or entertainment and quite another to acquire enduring skills, knowledge and experiences from teachers. Also, there’s the human factor when it comes to keeping* track of each student’s progress. We shouldn’t forget that online information is data. Someone has to analyze, interpret it, and of course guide, clarifydoubts, give correct feedback and motivate.
Overall, our computer mouse can make education and life easier and more pleasant. However, there’s nothing compared to learning something face to face, so it all starts by going to school.
Mª José Rodríguez – C1.1


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