Unique holidays: A holiday in India

           That summer my friends and I went on a trip around India. We left from Málaga to Turkey and from Turkey to New Delhi two hours later because there were no direct flights.
            First, when we arrived in India, we went to know the Vicente Ferrer Foundation and we were in many places like schools for disabled children, hospitals, schools for children with AIDS and visited social projects that help women. The experience there was amazing as we were treated wonderfully.
            After that, we went to other cities, such as Benares, a sacred city where the Ganges river passes. We travelled during the monsoon season, a typical climate of India characterized by high temperatures and torrential rains. On the one hand, the water got to our knees and we had to walk wet, which was disgusting, but on the other hand, it was a unique and unforgettable experience.

            Also, we visited beautiful towns like Udaipur the blue city, Jaipur the pink city, Ajmer, Puskhar the sacred city, Jaiselmer the golden city, Hardware and Rishikesh the city of meditation, where we met kind people and made friends. We travelled and slept on a train. The train was one of the oldest of Indian Railways, so it was dirty and really noisy. However, this kind of stuff is a different experience to do once in a lifetime. Finally, we visited the desert (Jaiselmer) where there were 45 degrees. I had a bad time because it was very hot and we didn´t have any water with us.

            In spite of these problems, India is an amazing and colourful country because each city has its own colour. What is more,  all the cities are awesome. I recommend travelling to India and I am looking forward to going again because:
     The food is very tasty despite being so spicy.
     Its culture is incredible, as it has thousands of gods and temples among other things.
     People are very kind and good, although sometimes they can be a little annoying.
     There are a lot of interesting places to visit.
If you want to visit India you should remember these tips:
     Go when it isn´t the monsoon season.
     Get on a tuc-tuc and travel and sleep on a train.
     Visit different temples and be respectful towards their customs.
     Try street food although it might be really spicy.
     Visit ghats and funeral ceremonies.