Group 2

All the sessions last from 5 to 10 minutes, so they can be integrated into the English classes as routines.

Phonics, as English, must be taught fully in the target language.  

1 Group 1 review: /s/, /ɪ/, /t/, /p/, /æ/, /n/ Children need to remember the six letter sounds learnt last course.

2 Group 1 review: /s/, /ɪ/, /t/, /p/, /æ/, /n/
  • Play this interactive game to review the songs and letters.
  • Blending review game on the interactive board. Remember that blending consists of saying all of a word together to sound out the complete word.
3 Group 1 review: /s/, /ɪ/, /t/, /p/, /æ/, /n/
  • Play this game to review blending and the specific vocabulary learnt in Infants. 
4 Group 1 review: /s/, /ɪ/, /t/, /p/, /æ/, /n/
  • Segmenting review. Segmenting is the opposite of blending. It consists of listening a whole word and break it down into sounds.  It is important that students do the actions for each sound when saying them out loud. Example: The teacher says the word ‘nap’ and the students say ‘/n/ – /æ/ – /p/’ while doing these actions:

5 /k/ You will need Snake (puppet) and some castanets:

  • Write on the board the letters ‘c’ and ‘k’ (lowercase). Sound them out, but don’t say the letter’s name (say /k/, but not ‘si’ or ‘kay’). Tell the students that these two letters make the same sound (/k/).  
  • Take out Snake. She says hello to the students.
  • Storyline: Snake is very happy because she loves watching flamenco shows, but she has not hands, so it’s impossible to her to click castanets. Snake finds some volunteers to click castanets for her and perform a flamenco show. The teacher and a volunteer click castanetes and dance while saying ‘/k, k, k, k/’. Suddenly, the teachers kicks Snake, who was sitting on the floor. The teacher says ‘¡Oh, no! I am a kicking /k/!’. Use this to tell the students that ‘c’ is called ‘curly /k/’ and ‘k’ is called ‘kicking /k/’, because it has a leg.
  • Song (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/
  • Action: Raise hand and snap fingers as if playing castanets and say /k, k, k, k, k…/.
6 /k/
  • Write the ‘curly /k/’ (c) and the ‘kicking /k/’ (k) on the board.
  • Song (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/
  • Present the vocabulary related to the sound /k/ (cat, kiss, sack, kick, castanets): PHONICS CK – VOCABULARY. Highlight the sound /k/ so they can identify it within the words. 
7 /k/
  • Write the ‘curly /k/’ (c) and the ‘kicking /k/’ (k) on the board.
  • Song (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/
  • Review vocabulary with this game.
8 /k/
  • Song (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/
  • Letter dictation. The teacher says one of these sounds and children write them down on their miniboards: /s/, /ɪ/, /t/, /p/, /æ/, /n/, /k/. Caution! When saying the sound /k/, children have to ask «is it a ‘curly /k/’ (c) or a ‘kicking /k/’?
  • Word dictation. You can dictate some of these words. First, say the whole word and, later, segment their sounds one after the other. Example: CAT. Cat. /k/ – /æ/ – /t/
  • List of words to dictate: ink, pink, tin, sit, pan, ant, cap, tap, nap, pin, cat, kiss, sack, kick.
  • TIP for the teacher! Remember, the diagraph ‘-ck’ follows a short vowel sound. CK Digraph
9 /k/
10 /e/ You will need Snake (puppet), one fake pan, one fake egg and one fake fried egg (you can print and laminate if you don’t have them):

  • Write on the board the letter ‘e’ (lowercase). Sound it out, but don’t say the letter’s name (say /e/, but not ‘i:’).
  • Take out Snake. She says hello to the students.
  • Storyline: Snake is very hungry. She wants to eat an egg she was given by a hen (show the egg and the pan). She wants a chef to cook it, so she calls out some students and they come to the front of the class. Snakes says something like ‘Eh… I think you can break the egg on the pan and cook it’. Everyone shouts «break the egg like this. EH!’ But Snakes wants to find the best chef, so she asks many children to break the egg. Finally, Snake likes all the children’s styles to break an egg, sings the song (SONG /e/) and eats the fried egg.
  • Song (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /e/
  • Action: Children pretend to hold an egg and crack it while saying /e, e, e, e, e…/.
11 /e/
  • Songs (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/ and SONG /e/
  • Write letters ‘c’, ‘k’ and ‘e’ on the board and remember the sounds they make and their actions.
  • Present the vocabulary related to the sound /e/ (tent, egg, hen, nest and pen): PHONICS E – VOCABULARY
12 /e/
  • Songs (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/ and SONG /e/
  • Vocabulary review: GAME. Make sure that children repeat the words and highlight the sound /e/ as they do the action with their hands.
13 /e/
  • Songs (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/ and SONG /e/
  • Word dictation. You can dictate some of these words. First, say the whole word and, later, segment their sounds one after the other. Example: TENT. Tent. /t/ – /e/ – /n/ – /t/
  • List of words to dictate: ink, pink, tin, sit, pan, ant, cap, tap, nap, pin, cat, kiss, sack, kick, tent, nest, pen, tennis, net, castanet.
14 /e/
  • Songs (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/ and SONG /e/
  • Let’s blend! The teacher writes a word from this list on a piece of paper or miniboard: ink, pink, tin, sit, pan, ant, cap, tap, nap, pin, cat, kiss, sack, kick, tent, nest, pen, tennis, net, castanet.
  • Pick a student so he/she has to read the whole word out loud as well as the different sounds. Example: The teacher writes down the word ‘pen’, so one student says ‘PEN, /p/, /e/, /n/’. Children can do the actions with their hands as they blend the word. The rest of the class guess the word.
15 /e/
16 /k/ + /e/
17 /h/ You will need Snake (puppet) and a towel (to dry sweat):

  • Write on the board the letter ‘h’ (lowercase, but in ‘Sassoon’ font, not in ‘Escolar’ font). Sound it out, but don’t say the letter’s name (say /h/, but not ‘eich’).
  • Take out Snake. She says hello to the students.
  • Storyline: Snake has a PE exam and she has to practise hopping race. She hops with some volunteers, but she is always exhausted after a couple of hops, so she says ‘/h/, /h/, /h/’ (she’s huffing). After some practice, she feels better and she is not huffing anymore. She will finally pass her PE exam!
  • Song (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /h/
  • Action: Hold hand in front of your mouth panting /h, h, h…/ as if you are out of breath.
18 /h/
  • Songs (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/, SONG /e/ and SONG /h/.
  • Write letters ‘c’, ‘k’, ‘e’ and ‘h’ on the board and remember the sounds they make and their actions.
  • Present the vocabulary related to the sound /h/ (hat, hand, hop, hot, hit): PHONICS H – VOCABULARY
19 /h/
  • Songs (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/, SONG /e/ and SONG /h/.
  • Vocabulary review by blending (putting sounds together): GAME. Make sure that children repeat the words and highlight the sound /h/ as they do the action with their hands.
20 /h/
  • Songs (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/, SONG /e/ and SONG /h/.
  • Segmenting (break words down into sounds, not letters): SEGMENTING – H & E. Make sure the students count the sounds in a word and not the letters. They can use their fingers to count the sounds as they sound them out.
21 TRICKY WORD ‘the’ It’s time to teach the first TRICKY WORD. These are high frequency words that do not follow any pattern. The first word to teach is ‘the‘. If it were a regular word, it would be pronounced as */ðe/, but it is actually pronounced either as /ðə/ or /ðiː/. 

  • Show this poster of toughy THE and weak THE. Tell the students that Weak THE is pronounced as /ðə/ because it only eats consonants and they don’t have vitamins. On the other hand, Toughy THE eats a lot of vowels full of vitamins, so it’s pronounced as /ðiː/. 
  • Play this GAME on the interactive whiteboard.
22 /h/
23 /r/ Introduction of the sound /r/:

  • Write on the board the letter ‘r’ (lowercase, but in ‘Sassoon’ font, not in ‘Escolar’ font). Sound it out, but don’t say the letter’s name (say /r/, but not ‘ar’).
  • At this point of the learning process, it’s time to read a story to the students. They will read the story NEXT DAY, so they’d only listen. This is the story: r STORY – Ken the Spirit
  • Song (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /r/
  • Action: Pretend to be a puppy holding a rag, skaing head from side to side and say /rrrrr/.
24 /r/
  • Songs (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/, SONG /e/ and SONG /h/, SONG /r/
  • Write letters ‘c’, ‘k’, ‘e’, ‘h’ and ‘r’ on the board and remember the sounds they make and their actions.
  • Present the vocabulary related to the sound /r/ (rat, spirit, rocket, racket, rag): PHONICS R – VOCABULARY
25 /r/
  • Songs (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/, SONG /e/ and SONG /h/, SONG /r/
  • Vocabulary review by blending (putting sounds together): GAME. Make sure that children repeat the words and highlight the sound /r/ as they do the action with their hands.
26 TRICKY WORD ‘I’ It’s time to teach the second TRICKY WORD. They are high frequency words that do not follow any pattern. The second word to teach is ‘I‘. If it were a regular word, it would be pronounced as */ɪ/, but it is actually pronounced as /aɪ/ when it’s written in capital letter. 

  • Show this poster of the TRICKY WORD ‘I’. Tell the students that this word is pronounced as /ɪ/, but after a magic trick it’s going to be pronounced as /aɪ/. Use a magic wand and a magic spell (abracadabra) to make this word sound as /aɪ/. 
  • Play on the interactive whiteboard. Find the tricky ‘I’ on these pictures:
27 /r/
28 /m/ Introduction of the sound /m/:

  • Write on the board the letter ‘m’. Sound it out, but don’t say the letter’s name (say /m/, but not ‘em’).
  • At this point of the learning process, it’s time to read a story to the students. They will read the story NEXT DAY, so they’d only listen. This is the story: m STORY – The secret map
  • Song (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /m/
  • Action: Rub tummy as if seeing tasty food and say /mmmmm/.
29 /m/
  • Songs (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/, SONG /e/,  SONG /h/, SONG /r/, SONG /m/
  • Write letters ‘c’, ‘k’, ‘e’, ‘h’, ‘r’ and ‘m’ on the board and remember the sounds they make and their actions.
  • Present the vocabulary related to the sound /m/ (map, lamp, mum, man and ham): PHONICS M – VOCABULARY
30 /m/
  • Songs (sing and do the action while singing): SONG /k/, SONG /e/,  SONG /h/, SONG /r/, SONG /m/
  • Vocabulary review by blending (putting sounds together): GAME. Make sure that children repeat the words and highlight the sound /r/ as they do the action with their hands.





GROUP 1 /s/: snake, grass, sun, snail, sunflower, spider

/ɪ/ (i): ink, insect, igloo, Indian, pink

/t/: tennis, teddy, tin, sit

/p/: pig, parrot, pan, apple, pencil

/æ/ (a): ant, apple, astronaut, cap, tap

/n/: net, nap, nose, pin, night

GROUP 2 /k/ (c, k): cat, kiss, sack, kick, castanet

/e/: tent, egg, hen, nest, pen

/h/: hat, hand, hop, hot, hit

/r/: spirit, racket, rocket, rag, rat

/m/: map, lamp, mum, man, ham
