Lesson plan (week 26th October)
31 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

This is last week´s lesson plan: 

MONDAY (26th October) 

-Speaking practice (extra vocabulary – housework- and questions in the second person and third person  and answers)

-Oral Reading Comprehension questions (Peter´s last day)

-Halloween Quiz

-Speaking (Showing how to prepare a monologue about your routine on a day)


Blog: keeping correcting (seguir corrigiendo) mistakes: post «Mediation and written interaction task»//leaving a comment to identify the use of the present simple and continuous: post «Present simple and Continuous: identifying uses (Extra practice)»//Listening «routines»//Halloween activities//How to prepare a monologue on «your routine on a day»


WEDNESDAY (28th October) 

-Student representative election

-Oral reading comprehension questions  (Peter´s last day) 

-Halloween quiz 

-Revision of Initital Evaluation Papers


Blog: keeping correcting (seguir corrigiendo) mistakes: post «Mediation and written interaction task»//leaving a comment to identify the use of the present simple and continuous: post «Present simple and Continuous: identifying uses (Extra practice)//Listening «routines»//Halloween activities//How to prepare a monologue on «your routine on a day»

Grammar: Basic Grammar (Useful links)
29 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara


The best advice I can give you to reduce grammar mistakes in your writings is to have a look at the different written tasks you are doing during the course, make a register of grammar mistakes made and identify the grammar involved and revise it. 

For those ones who need to revise a more basic grammar, here you have a series of useful websites:

Perfect English Grammar

English Grammar Today 

British Council -Grammar and Vocabulary 

Using English

English Club – Grammar



Grammar: Present simple and Present continuous: identifying uses (Extra practice)
28 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Hello guys, 

As I can see, you still have difficulties to identify the use of the present simple and continuous in common sentences. Here is a list of sentences for you to identify the use of the present simple or the present continuous. What you need to do is to leave a comment with the number of the sentence whose use you want to identify: 

  1. At 6 pm they are meeting Ben’s aunt in Brighton.
  2. She is working as a waitress in Brighton during the summer holiday.
  3. She studies law in London
  4. Ben loves going by train
  5. The train leaves at 15:12 and arrives in Brighton at 16:45
  6. He drinks coffee for breakfast
  7. They are wearing casual clothes
  8. He is reading a book in the garden now.
  9. Why are you behaving like that? 
  10. The book is about a writer who decides to tell us the story of a……
Speaking: «How to do a monologue» (Your routine on a day)
28 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara


Here is useful information on how to prepare a monologue on  your routine on a day

This is the structure that any kind of monologue must have: 




The first monologue you are doing this course will be related to your routine on a day. This is the recommendations for a good monologue:


Use I am going to talk about….. every time you need to introduce your monologue > e.g. I am going to talk about my routine on Monday.

2. Sequence your events

First, Then, Later, Finally, ….. When you use these sequencers, write a comma after them > e.g. First, I get up at 7a.m

2. Use «addition» connectors too: 

In addition,   Moreover,  Besides, …. All these connectors mean «Además» and they are followed by a comma in writing > e.g. In addition, I have a cup of expresso

3. Give a conclusion

Give your opinion on your routine on a day, if you like it or not, why, etc.

You can use before your conclusion a connector like In short,  To conclude, ….. (Remember if you use them, write a comma after them > e.g. In short, I hate my routine on Friday because I am very busy all day)

I hope you find this information helpful. 


Listening: «Routines»
28 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Hello guys, 

Here is a listening activity related to routines.

Read the questions, play the recording and choose the correct answer (a, b or c): 


1.What time does he wake up?

2.Which of these things does he NOT have for breakfast?

3. How does he go to school?


4. What time does he have a break for lunch?


5.Where does he have lunch?


6.What does he think about school food?


7. What does he do when he arrives home?

Answer key: 1c, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5a, 6a, 7a


Lesson plan (week 19th October)
25 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara


This is last week´s lesson plan: 

MONDAY (19th October)

-Student Representative Election 

-Present simple and continuous (identifying uses and giving examples for some uses) 

-Housework vocabulary (pictures to ask questions in the second person and in the third person -to be continued)

-Initial Evaluation papers for revision 

-Homework: keeping correcting mistakes on the blog

WEDNESDAY (21th October) 

-No lessons due to the speaking test at B1 LEVEL (PECS)


Culture: «Halloween»
25 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Hello guys, 

How much do you know about Halloween? Click on «Halloween Reading comprenhension», read the text and answer the comprehension questions on the history of Halloween. 

Halloween Reading Comprehension

Watch the following Youtube video and continue learning more about Halloween

Other useful links to learn about Halloween vocabulary, give it a go and learn about English-speaking culture!

Halloween Vocabulary- British English

Halloween Picture  Matching Quiz – British English

Halloween Vocabulary – American English

Halloween Picture Matching Quiz – American English

Halloween Online Crossword Puzzle Game


Aclaraciones: corrección de errores en el blog
24 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Hola chic@s: 

Os dejo este post para aconsejaros en cuanto a la corrección de errores en el blog. 

Primeramente, cuando decidáis escribir un comentario para corregir un error, comprobad que ese error no esté siendo corregido por otro estudiante o haya sido ya corregido. Esto evita que tenga que estar corrigiendo los mismos errores una y otra vez. Para ello es necesario leer los comentarios de otros/as compañeros/as prestando atención al número del error. 

En segundo lugar, cuando escribáis un comentario es sumamente importante que escribáis el número del error, esto permitirá al resto de estudiantes y a la propia profesora saber qué errores ya han sido corregidos o están en proceso de corrección. 

Finalmente, en algunas ocasiones contesto a los comentarios donde planteo una pregunta para que el estudiante me conteste con el objetivo que se llegue a la corrección exacta. Alguno de vosotros no sigue contestando y los errores se quedan a medio corregir. Si mi comentario no llega a vuestro correo, deberéis meteros en el blog y ver qué  he contestado a vuestro comentario.

Espero que estos consejos faciliten vuestra tarea y la mia. 

Gracias de antemano, 


Grammar: Verb patterns
21 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Hello guys,

Through your comments I have realized that you are not familiar with the verb patterns of some verbs (e.g. want, need) What is a verb pattern? Click on the picture below to find out what a verb pattern is and the verb patterns of «need», «want» and also «try».



The best tip I can give you to know the verb pattern of a verb you want to use correctly is to check the possible verb patterns of that verb . How? using a good monolingual dictionary on the Internet (e.g. Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, Collins, Cambridge…). 

By the way, here is a useful link provided by Silvia Rodríguez, an A2 student, where you can learn a lot about verb patterns. 

I hope this information is of help.



Vocabulary: «Politeness in English»
21 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Hello guys,

I have realized that you are not familiar with politeness in English as you have written in the mediation task sentences like «I want you to clean the kitchen». I have explained to some of you when correcting your corrections that the English language is very indirect and that an English speaker prefers to say «I would like you to clean the kitchen» rather than «I want you to clean the kitchen».

If you want to learn about politeness in English, click on the picture below. Learn how to avoid being rude with this great guide!


Another useful link to learn more about politeness

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