Grammar: Verb patterns
21 octubre, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Hello guys,

Through your comments I have realized that you are not familiar with the verb patterns of some verbs (e.g. want, need) What is a verb pattern? Click on the picture below to find out what a verb pattern is and the verb patterns of «need», «want» and also «try».



The best tip I can give you to know the verb pattern of a verb you want to use correctly is to check the possible verb patterns of that verb . How? using a good monolingual dictionary on the Internet (e.g. Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, Collins, Cambridge…). 

By the way, here is a useful link provided by Silvia Rodríguez, an A2 student, where you can learn a lot about verb patterns. 

I hope this information is of help.



2 respuestas  
silvia rodriguez dijo:
21 octubre, 2020 a las 4:46 pm

buenas Pilar, para ver cuales eran los verb pattern, me he metido en pagina http://www.lewolang.com/gramatica-inglesa/98/verbs-patterns. Creo que viene todo muy bien explicado. Si puedes decirme algo sobre esto, te agradeceria.


María del Pilar Zamora Lara dijo:
21 octubre, 2020 a las 7:52 pm

Great! I will update the post with your link.

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