This is last week´s lesson plan:
MONDAY (26th October)
-Speaking practice (extra vocabulary – housework- and questions in the second person and third person and answers)
-Oral Reading Comprehension questions (Peter´s last day)
-Halloween Quiz
-Speaking (Showing how to prepare a monologue about your routine on a day)
Blog: keeping correcting (seguir corrigiendo) mistakes: post «Mediation and written interaction task»//leaving a comment to identify the use of the present simple and continuous: post «Present simple and Continuous: identifying uses (Extra practice)»//Listening «routines»//Halloween activities//How to prepare a monologue on «your routine on a day»
WEDNESDAY (28th October)
-Student representative election
-Oral reading comprehension questions (Peter´s last day)
-Halloween quiz
-Revision of Initital Evaluation Papers
Blog: keeping correcting (seguir corrigiendo) mistakes: post «Mediation and written interaction task»//leaving a comment to identify the use of the present simple and continuous: post «Present simple and Continuous: identifying uses (Extra practice)//Listening «routines»//Halloween activities//How to prepare a monologue on «your routine on a day»