20 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara


Ante algunas dudas o informaciones que me transmitís en clase procedo a publicar una serie de aclaraciones: 


1)El idioma objeto de estudio es el inglés, por tanto el vehículo de comunicación es en inglés independientemente de que el año anterior vuestro/a profesor/a no lo hiciera o no lo hiciera con la frecuencia recomendable. Entiendo que a algunos os cueste en momentos seguir todas las explicaciones en inglés pero para ello el alumno puede interrumpir al profesor o a la profesora en este caso y preguntar las veces que haga falta. Además, se hace de vez en cuando uso del español para traducir teniendo en cuenta que es  recomendable en un nivel básico. 

2) El no entender el idioma objeto de estudio de manera continua a lo largo de la clase es lo más normal y por lo tanto no es motivo que se pueda alegar para anular matrícula. La anulación de matrícula sólo es justificable por motivos que impidan la asistencia a clase de manera regular durante todo el curso previa justificación con documentación. 

3) El blog hay que trabajarlo de momento de manera ascendente, desde las entradas más antiguas a las más recientes hasta que podamos empezar el libro, momento a partir del cual el blog contendrá sólo recursos de apoyo y/o refuerzo que el alumno decidirá usar o no usar dependiendo de sus necesidades de aprendizaje (blog = Mercadona)

4) La participación en clase y en las actividades interactivas del blog es sumamente importante para un progreso adecuado en el aprendizaje. Es por ello que en aquellas entradas que se os pide dejar comentarios, lo hagáis sin miedo a equivocarse (mistakes=learning)

5)Las entradas bajo el nombre de «Lesson plan (week 5th October)» y similares son sólo informativas de lo que se va haciendo en la semana que ha terminado. 

6)En clase es donde únicamente se informa de lo que se va a hacer en la siguiente clase. Esta información no está en el blog ya que muchas veces el planning que se adelanta en clase no se lleva enteramente a la práctica en la siguiente clase por falta de tiempo, por el ritmo del grupo, etc.

7) Si un estudiante no asiste un día concreto o unas semanas en concreto a clase está en la obligación de escribir a la tutora para saber qué se ha hecho ese día o esas semanas o meterse en el blog donde esa información se publica a finales de cada semana o preguntar a l@s compañer@s en el grupo de Whatsapp. 

8) El alumnado que por cualquier motivo decida no asistir a clase de manera continua pero tenga la intención de presentarse a los exámenes de junio y septiembre, puede dejar sin efecto su escolarización, que no es más que perder el derecho de asistencia a clase y evaluación continua sin perjuicio de su derecho a hacer los exámenes de la convocatoria ordinaria de junio y la extraordinaria de septiembre. Esto permite que alumnado en lista de espera se pueda matricular, asistir a clase, y se le pueda evaluar de manera continua y tenga derecho a presentarse a los exámenes de junio y septiembre. 

Espero que esta información os resulte de utilidad.

Cualquier duda, no dudéis en escribirme a pizamla7@yahoo.es o pedir cita a través de reservio




Pronunciation: «An introduction to pronunciation»
17 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Hello guys,

What is good pronunciation? Watch the video to find it out. 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdRmGvmeY1U?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent]

Without a good pronunciation of English, it will be complicated for us to communicate properly and understand English. 

To start with, English has  vowel and consonant sounds which can be different from our sounds in Spanish, so we need to be aware of these differences.

The first step is to be aware of this fact. Why not have a look at the usual and less common spellings for the different sounds in English? In your book «English File» you have the sounds of English and their possible spellings at the end of the book. Why don´t you visit the following link to see how a native speaker pronounces the sounds of English?. If you do this regularly,  your pronunciation will improve little by little.

And remember, good pronunciation is not pronouncing like a native speaker, it is pronouncing in a way that native speakers can understand you.


Why not click on this link to practise pronunciation using IPA symbols with some quizzes?. Useful links to practise pronunciation are provided. 


Here is a website   where you can click on individual sounds to listen to them and where you can find information about how to articulate them. 

I hope all this information is of help. 


Mediation and Written Interaction task (Mistakes)
17 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Here you have a list of mistakes made in the mediation and written interaction task. The objective of this entry is to choose a mistake and leave a comment with a possible correction.

Do not forget to revise the comments before writing yours in order to avoid choosing a mistake already corrected by someone else

This is the input you were given 

Mira. No estoy contento con TOM. Ya ha hecho dos fiestas y no ha recogido nada. Por favor,  ¿Puedes pedirle que friegue los cacharros y que recoja y limpie la sala de estar, la cocina y el baño? Gracias

You need to transmit this information on the part of Andrés to Tom. TOM is untidy and ANDRÉS is not happy with that.

  1. When you have a party I went that you cleaner the plaits.
  2. I like that the bathroom and the kitchen and the salon are cleaner everyday.
  3. I am speaking with Andres because you have doing two party.
  4. You don´t clean here.
  5. Do you can clean the kitchen.
  6. Hellow Tom
  7. Andrés (?) your partner, he likes speak.
  8. I speak for here.
  9. He likes the parties.
  10. He don´t likes with you don’t have the housework/homework.
  11. Do you have the before the parties the housework.
  12. Thank you, very much.
  13. Andres have a problem.
  14. You make two partys and you don´t clean nothing the 2 times.
  15. Please (?) put glass in washing machine and clean (?) kitche and (?) bathroom.
  16. Tom:
  17. Andres isn´t happy with your, because you are doing two diner and you doesn´t clear the flat.
  18. Can you clean the flat, cooking at bathroom Please. Because we is leaving in the flat and we like is clean in the flat
  19. Andres, I will be sorry about this, I’m going to explain until possible
  20. In the last party, I won´t cleaned the rooms because I completely forgotten
  21. In the next year, I will promise that I will clean my room, the kitchen and the bathroom until finished the next party. (INCOHERENT)
  22. You can´t do party in the flat, because she don´t want to live with noise
  23. He like doing the homework, but you don´t clear the living room, kitchen, etc.
  24. Please, you call with your partner
  25. Andres like sharing a fat whit you (?) but he´s a person very tidy
  26. He doesn´t like being the kitchen not clean.
  27. Andres has disagree with you , because…
  28. You must wash your objects of the last week
  29. ¿Can you wash this please?
  30. If you can, clean you the living-room, the kitchen and the bathroom please
  31. The kitchen and the bathroom are dirty because you made two partys last week
  32. It’s important (?)have a good flat
  33. We would like that you will be a clean person
  34. Greetings
  35. Andres is very untidy (INCOHERENT)
  36. You are the celebration, but you can have the homeworks (INCOHERENT)
  37. Andres loves you but can you clean the living-room, the kitchen(?)
  38. That’s very important for his
  39. I have a Andres´s Whatsapp
  40. Andres says what you has been two meetings (?) but you don´t cleaning the sitting-room, as cooking, and as bathroom.
  41. I think what you have speak to him
  42. Andres didn´t happy with you
  43. You have a two parties7
  44. Please ¿Can you wash the _(?)___, clean de staff room, the kitchen and the WC.
  45. I talk you about any cuestions that are a problems for a god relations whit your rentmen.
  46. He need that you clean the disses
  47. He need that you clean the livin roon and, cookin and the bedroom
  48. Andres isn´t happy with your partys.
  49. He thinks what you are very intidy, because you did two partys
  50. When you do a party, you clean the living room, kitchen and bathroom, always
  51. Andrés doen´t speak english
  52. Andres needs to sends you and whatsapp message (INCOHERENT)
  53. He will like tidy in the home. He doesnlt happy (INCOHERENT)
  54. He wants a kitchen, taulo (INCOHERENT)
  55. I write this message, because I feel what there is a problem between Andres and you into flat.
  56. Excuse my (?) but I….
  57. I know what is possible be fine (INCOHERENT)
  58. If you put more care in the housework and you cleans the living roon, the kitchen and the bathroom always you uses
  59. Can you clean (?) plates, (?)kitchen and (?)toilet?
  60. You never do the houseworks
  61. He don´t like parties because he has to clean them
  62. Last week, you are doing two meeting
  63. You have two partys



Lesson plan (Week 12th October)
17 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara


This is last week´s lesson plan: 

MONDAY (12th October)

No lessons due to a bank holiday on Monday 12th October 

WEDNESDAY (14th October) 

-Students’ digital competence (Signature register)

-Present simple and present continuous :

a. identifying the uses of the present simple and present continuous through sentences 


b. making questions and answers in both tenses (second and third person) through housework/routine pictures. 

-Homework (correction of mediation and written interaction task mistakes on the blog by means of comments)

IMPORTANTE: NO HAY CLASE el día 21 de octubre
14 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Hola chic@s: 

Simplemente informar al grupo de A2 que asiste los miércoles a clase que no habrá clase el próximo 21 de octubre.

El motivo es que el próximo miércoles 21 de octubre tendrá lugar la prueba de Producción y Coproducción oral de B1 de inglés (Convocatoria Extraordinaria Pruebas Específicas de Certificación) y el tribunal de valoración de la prueba debe estar formado por 2 profesores/as de inglés. Por lo tanto, se hace imposible que pueda daros clase. 

Como os he dicho esto beneficia al grupo A2 que asiste los lunes ya que  ambos grupos habréis dado lo mismo y no habrá retraso de un grupo con respecto a otro. 

Lesson plan (Week 5th October)
13 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Here is last week´s lesson plan: 

MONDAY (5th October): 

  2. PRESENT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS (form, correction of mistakes, make questions and answers orally)
  1. READING TEST at 18:00h (Manuel , Mª del Mar)

Blog: Clothes vocabulary, Listening Present simple and Continuous, Listening clothes, Reading Peter´s last day , Alphabet revision, Reading/ Listening tests A1 (Answer key)

WEDNESDAY (7th October): 

  2. PRESENT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS (form, correction of mistakes, make questions and answers orally, uses)
  3. READING TEST  (Alejandro Martínez, Diego Fernández, Jesús de Toro)

Blog: Clothes vocabulary, Listening Present simple and Continuous, Listening clothes, Reading Peter´s last day , Alphabet revision, Reading/ Listening tests A1 (Answer key)


Reading and Listening Tests (Initial Evaluation)
7 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Hello guys, 

Here you have the reading and listening tests you did for the initial evaluation with their answer keys for you to retake them as many times as you want at home. 


A1 reading and listening

(Listening: track for activity 1)  

(Listening: track for activity 2) 

Listening: «Clothes at work»
7 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Hello guys, 

Here is another listening activity related to clothes at work.

Listen to Katie, Marlon, Louisa and Sam talking about what they wear at work. Write K (Katie), M (Marlon), L (Louisa) or S (Sam) next to the items below

a uniform __     trainers           __      tracksuit trousers __

earrings   __      a tie                 __       a skirt suit             __

a dress     __      a sports shirt __       shorts                     __

trousers   __      a jacket           __        jewellery                __

a shirt      __ 


Listen again. Are these statements ture (T) or false (F)? Correct the wrong information. 

  1. Katie wears a uniform at work.
  2. She likes the clothes she wears at work.
  3. Marlon likes the look of sports clothes. 
  4. He pays for all his work clothes. 
  5. Louisa wants to look confident and reliable in her work clothes. 
  6. She loves the clothes she wears to work.
  7. Sam always wears smart clothes at work.
  8. He usually wears a dark coloured tie. 

Answer key: 

earrings (L) – a dress (K) – trousers (K) – a shirt (S) – trainers (M) – a tie (S) – a sports shirt (M) – a jacket (M-L) – tracksuit trousers (M) – a skirt suit (L) – shorts (K-M) 

  1. F (She doesn´t wear a uniform)
  2. T
  3. T
  4. F (The gym provides all the clothes)
  5. T
  6. F (She sometimes thinks they´re boring)
  7. T
  8. F (It´s usuallly a bright colour)


Listening: «Present simple and Present continuous»
7 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Hello guys, 

Here is a simple listening activity related to the present simple and present continuous where you have to fill in the gaps with the correct words: 

  1. Mark always______________ in the morning, but Mark today ______________ in the afternoon. 
  2. Mark ____________his hair. Mark never _____________ his hair.
  3. Mark ______________ a tie today, but he never _______________ a tie. 
  4. Where is Mark going? He ________________ with a friend.
  5. Is Mark going out with Susan ? Yes, ______________
  6. How does Betty know ? Because Mark ____________a new shirt, he _______________ a tie, and he _______________ his glasses.

Answer key: 

  1. has a shower/is having a shower
  2. is combing / combs
  3. is wearing/never wears 
  4. is going to the cinema
  5. I am
  6. is wearing/is wearing/isn´t wearing his glasses
Reading: «Peter´s last day»
7 Oct, 2020 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara

Hello guys, 

Here is a reading text «Peter´s last day». Read the text carefully paying attention to the unknow vocabulary and the correct pronunciation of those words you are not familiar with. Try to understand the information in the text.  Then in class we will answer some comprehension questions orally. 

                             PETER´S LAST DAY

Peter is a famous baker. He’s hard-working and punctual. He always gets up at three o’clock every night and bakes his products. Then he has his breakfast with his wife and opens his bakery. He usually has his favourite pear marmalade for breakfast. He has many customers till afternoon. At noon, he has lunch at home. After lunch, he leaves the bakery to his son and sleeps about two hours. He returns to the shop and chats with his favourite customers. He´s been the only baker in the town for quite a long time, and now he has many friends who shop at his bakery. This has been the same routine for almost 25 years.

Today his daily routine is not the same. This is the last day in his bakery. He´s going to retire tomorrow. He is going to be in Hawaii with his wife next week. He has already booked his tickets. His son is going to take care of the bakery. Peter normally wears white clothes but today he’s wearing a Hawaiian shirt. He always has a siesta for lunch, but today he´s having a cup of expresso with his best friend.

He´s had a worderful working life. Now, he is ready to start a new life. He wants to see new places. There´s a luxury liners company in town and they send  a liner every Sunday to many different exotic places around the world. Tonight, he´s starting his journey with his wirde from the harbour. Tonight, on of the luxury liners is leaving the harbour and Peter and his wife are embarking on it to start a new life.


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