Listening: last summer holidays
24 marzo, 2021 por María del Pilar Zamora Lara


Here are two listening activities  we did in class. 

  1. Listen to Lottie talking about her last summer holiday. Answer the questions


a. Where did she go?


b. When did she go there?


c. Who did she go with?


d. How did she get there?


e. Where did she stay?


f. How long did she stay?


g. What did she do all day?


h. What did she do in the evening?


2. Fill in the gaps with the missing information. 



a. “The weather was ____________.” “ That’s too ____________.”
b. “_____ you _______your trip to Vancouver?” “The people _____ so nice.”
c. The ski trip was __________. ___________ no snow.
d. “The trip to France was very ____________. We couldn´t find a hotel ____________.”

“ You should never go in  ______________.”

e. Her trip to the beach was __________. She learnt how to _________________.

“Did you have a nice ____________?”

“ The hotel ______ clean at all.  The  _________ was awful!”

g. The shopping in Thailand was__________ and the people were great!
h. The vacation was too __________. He stayed only for a ___________.


Answer key

a. to the beach/to Tarifa in the south of Spain

b. in July

c. alone 

d. by plane and by car/flew from London to Málaga and drove from Málaga to Tarifa

e. in a hotel/The Hurricane Hotel

f. 2 weeks 

g. went to the beach, tried kitesurfing 

h. went out to the bars and clubs 

a. terrible/bad

b. did/enjoy/were

c. awful/there was

d. disappointing/room/in July

e. terrific (= great) /windsurf 

f. vacation/wasn´t/food 

g. fantastic

h. short/month

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