Scary skeletons in the Biology lesson
Con motivo del día de Halloween, la semana del 31 de octubre los alumnos de 1º ESO realizaron en la clase de Biología, con la profesora Marina Esteban, la actividad «Choose an animal, draw...
Con motivo del día de Halloween, la semana del 31 de octubre los alumnos de 1º ESO realizaron en la clase de Biología, con la profesora Marina Esteban, la actividad «Choose an animal, draw...
Los alumnos de 1º ESO aprenden las partes de la célula realizando maquetas con materiales reciclados en la matería de Biología con la profesora Marina Esteban. ANIMAL AND PLANT CELL
En la clase de Biología bilingüe, con la profesora Marina Esteban, con la actividad «Minerals in my house», los alumnos de 1°ESO aprenden los minerales que podemos encontrar en objetos cotidianos de nuestras casas....
These are the projects and tasks that the students in 1º ESO A, E and G have recently been doing in the bilingual Biology lessons with the teacher Marina Esteban Cañadas and the help...
The students of 3º grade in the subject Biology, with their teacher Fco. Mellado, did a Doctor- patient role play in English in which they had to use vocabulary about symptoms, treatment and healthy...
Biology with teacher Paco Mellado, 1º ESO. In the vertebrates unit the students of 1º ESO did a vertebrate box where we had to explain the main characteristics of their favourite vertebrate animal like...
In 1º ESO C and F the students made a model of the animal cell showing its different parts and explaining the main function of each one with the teacher Elena Ávila.
In the Biology class in 3ºESO D, E and A, with the teacher Francisco Mellado and the help of our language assistant Jamie, the students have done a role play activity about excretory system...