Asparagus from Huétor Tájar, by Mercedes Gálvez

The engine of Huétor Tájar’s economy is the production, preservation and commercialization of green and green-purple asparagus, the latter under certified designation of origin. . The consumption of green asparagus is already typified in the sources since Romantimes .

The cultivation of asparagus in Huétor-Tájar begins in the thirties, always for self-consumption.  in the forties and fifties, marketing directed to the provincial capital begins. In the sixties, the asparagus arrive at more distant markets such as Madrid or Barcelona. The asparagus from  Huétor-Tájar is protected by a Specific Denomination of quality since October 22, 1996. On March 15, 2000, the European Commission registered the Asparagus of Huétor-Tájar as Protected Geographical Indication in the scope of all the European Union. 

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