IES Almadraba is in Tarifa, Southern Spain.

Our environment

Tarifa is located in the Strait of Gibraltar, just 14 kilometres from Tangier (Morocco), the southeast point on the Iberian Peninsula. Punta de Tarifa (Tarifa Island) separates Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts.
This village has a population over 18,000 inhabitants. In this count, there are a variety of nationalities, from European countries and African ones.
The main economic activity is tourism, thanks to wind conditions and natural beaches. In fact, it is popular known as one of the world’s most popular destinations for windsports.
The climate is warm in summer and mild in winter. Wind is one of the typical phenomenon during almost all year. This is the reason why countless wind turbines can be seen in the area.

The Intercontinental Mediterranean Biosphere Reserve is a local wild place, with more than 2,000 species of flora and fauna, some of them endemic. In this way, The Strait of Gibraltar is a significant point for migrating birds (in spring and autumn) and cetaceans, such as dolphins and whales.
There are regular ferry services connecting with Tangier, Morocco (40 minutes) and Ceuta, Spain (1 hour) from the port. Additionally, bus services link Tarifa with other Spanish cities, as Algeciras, Seville, Malaga or Cadiz.
Algeciras is 20 minutes by car. This city has the main commodity port of Spain, and one of the most important in Europe.
Our centre
It is a medium-large high school. It is over 800 students and around 70 teachers. We offer next training:
- Technician in Bodywork.
- Technician in Motor Vehicles Electro mechanics.
- Technician in Administrative Management.
- Higher Technician in Administration and Finance.
- Basic Vocational Training in Administration Services.
- Compulsory Secondary Education (Secondary School – Key Stage 4).
- Post- compulsory school (Secondary School – Sixth from college – KS5).
Our facilities range from common class to mechanical studio, including laboratories of chemistry or biology, painting studio, technologic workroom, gym, playground, office-classrooms, bodywork studio, …