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Carta ECHE
Solicitud Jobshadow Erasmus KA103
Se abre el plazo para la solicitud de las dos plazas de movilidad de jobshadow para el mes de mayo. Los solicitantes deben rellenar la solicitud y entregarla en la secretaría del centro antes del 14 de abril para su correspondiente evaluación por parte de la comite de selección del proyecto Erasmus+ KA103.
El candidato debe proponer la empresa o institución de destino con la que ha contactado y acompañarlo de un proyecto de trabajo según las especificaciones indicadas en el apartado 6 de la solicitud.
La movilidad tendrá una duración de 5 días y deberá finalizar como máximo el día 31 de mayo.
Enlace del formulario de solicitud:
Erasmus+ La Marisma
Erasmus charter for Higher Education (pdf)
Erasmus Policy Statement
The High School IES »La Marisma” offers higher vocational training in three professional fields: IT, Administration and Gardening. All of them have their corresponding Department that are in charge of coordinating their professional teachings as well as making proposals in order to improve teaching quality. Among these proposals, special emphasis will be put on the organization and implementation of international mobility projects. Our HEI is committed to improving educational results, promoting lifelong learning, innovation and research. One of our main objectives as an HEI is to provide the students and staff of our HEI the information and resources at our disposal to encourage participation in mobility projects, facilitating learning and the exchange of experiences and good practices.
The objectives of our internationalization strategy are:
1. Provide international traineeship to our students
2. Develop cooperation with partners in other countries
3. Promote and Improve the knowledge of foreign languages
4. Strengthening European Identity of participants
5. Promoting new pedagogical approaches for teachers and trainers
One of our school main aims is to provide our students a traineeship period in companies or institution in a different country. In the Curriculum of the Vocational Education that regulates the Spanish Higher Education System is stated that students will have training period in companies prior to be granted with their diploma. The training period takes up three months and is an essential part of their education. It is crucial for our school to be awarded with the ECHE as a requirement to offer our students outgoing mobility.
We will consider staff participation in Erasmus+ projects that could include outgoing mobilities. Staff training mobility is also part of the professional development policy of our HEI. They will promote international mobility projects for students traineeship, develop good practices, innovation and cooperation with international partners. Mobilities will be carried out within the framework of prior agreements between sending and receiving HEIs / organisations. These agreements will include the activities to be undertaken by the staff member. They will take into consideration the institutional requirements / strategy, foreseen outcomes and the staff member’s competences.
Mobility activities.
The IES “La Marisma» pays special attention to ensure that all mobility activities follow a high quality standard. Students will be carefully selected based on their qualifications, language level and social skills. We will look for partners that match our needs. This search will be carried out mainly in countries of the EU with a strong industrial sector and with a high employability rate.
Our Institution follows measures in order to ensure that any individual or group will be treated equally in accordance with Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. We will select mobile staff and students in a fair, transparent, coherent and documented way that ensures such fair and transparent procedures throughout all stages of mobility.
Information provided to participants
The HEI will provide participants information about: language course and cultural background of the country, contacts with host institution to provide accomodation and job interviews. Each student will have a designated advisor as a contact person to monitor and assist him during the trip, accommodation and placement activities. Advisors will be available to be contacted at any time. According to credits recognition the beneficiaries will obtain the Europass Mobility Document, a Language Course Certificate and Vocational Training Record.
Organising mobilities. Coordination committee
The management team is determined to make Internationalisation and modernisation a cornerstone of our institution. We will promote staff and student mobility for traineeship. There will be a coordination committee in charge of student and staff mobility. The coordination committee is made up of members of the management team, foreign languages department, vocational departments and coordinators of different Erasmus+ projects in which we are currently involved. The coordination committee will:
– Coordinate and organised all tasks and activities related to mobility activities
– Coordinate selection procedures for mobility activities
– Ensure that outgoing mobile participants are well prepared
– Ensure the quality of the mobility activities
– Ensure that participants are given recognition for their teaching and training activities undertaken during the mobility period
– Evaluate the whole process
Dissemination of results
The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and the EPS will be fully spread throughout the whole Educational community by all members: School Management team, teachers, administrative staff, School Council, Town Hall representative. Press release will be published and teacher seminars will be held. Dissemination of results will also be available in the school web page, local radios and social networks.
ErasmusKA219 |