IES Vega de Atarfe has over 1000 students from 19 different nationalities and a staff of 71 teachers. This cultural diversity makes it stand out in the way it deals with multiculturalism and inclusion in the classroom, conflict resolution, attention to equal opportunities and participation, promoting education and coexistence in its most universal sense.
What do we teach?
The school, founded in 1982, began a new phase in 2006 with a clear commitment to quality teaching and attention to the educational and training needs of our students. That same year it became a bilingual school in English, which together with the Educational Compensation Plan it adopted in 2003, adapts the educational offer to the needs of all the young people and families in the town.
The lines followed by the school management are excellence in education to offer our students the quality of teaching necessary to face the challenges of their future successfully. In order to do so, we attend to their different capacities, from a competitive and academic point of view, but also their affective, social and cultural needs. This is carried out thanks to the involvement of all the participants in the school community: teachers, families, school professionals, educational and local authorities and the various local entities in different sectors.
To achieve this integral development as person we offer a variety of projects, initiatives, programs and activities that contribute to the transversality of the education of our students and that shows the degree of involvement of our teachers.
Plans and projects
- Bilingualism since 1st ESO, in the subjects of the Departments of Physics and Chemistry, Biology and Geology, Physical Education and Music.
- Educational compensation plan, to avoid the educational gap of students in a situation of socio-educational disadvantage, to facilitate school integration and to avoid absenteeism and premature abandonment of the educational system.
- Plan for gender equality in education, to collaborate in eliminating the obstacles that stand in the way of real equality and access to the public sphere with cooperative approaches that form the basic pillars of an egalitarian and fair society.
- ICT Centres and ICT 2.0 School Project, which favours the integration of new technologies and the use of digital resources such as digital boards and computers, promoting security on the Internet and methodological change for the improvement of basic digital competence in students.
- Health and Safety at Work Plan, to implement the preventive culture in the whole school community.
- Educational Digital Transformation for the development of digital competence and the transformation of the school into a digitally competent organisation, favouring the use of digital media and collaborating with the environment by reducing the use of paper.
- Programs for innovation: Forma joven and Innicia for the promotion of healthy life habits.
- PIISA project for the initiation of research and innovation in collaboration with the UGR.
- Reading and Library Plan for the promotion of reading practices and intellectual skills and to encourage the use of the school library as a support resource for lifelong learning.
Complementary and extracurricular activities
- Activities of a curricular, social, cultural and recreational nature, always with a marked formative accent, to contribute to the integral development of our students and to favour the valorisation of their achievements and capacities:
- Visits, participation and cultural activities
- Visits to companies in training cycles
- Activities and participation in sports events
- Participation in events and activities to promote the STEM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) such as the local Science Fair, the Sierra Arana Mathematical Meeting, the Technology Fair in Malaga, Lego League
- Career guidance activities
- Cultural and Book Week
- Graduation ceremonies for Bachillerato and Ciclos Formativos and 4th ESO and 2nd FPB.
Study Trip
School internationalisation
Since the 2016/17 academic year, the school is more aware of the need to integrate, together with other European schools, in a more global and less local environment, working on a European dimension of education that offers our students the possibility of broadening their horizons in terms of improving their language training, their personal and social development in contact with young people of their age from other countries and the cultural knowledge of geography, languages, customs and culture of countries in our environment.
This internationalisation of the centre has been carried out through numerous international projects through the eTwinning teaching platform. These virtual projects are planned with a partner centre in any European country to work, through collaborative activities and tools, on any subject or aspect of the curriculum. They promote linguistic competence, as they are carried out in English and French, and digital competence by using an online platform, student self-confidence and awareness of their own learning, while collaborating and interacting with their peers and with students from other countries.
Our school is recognised as an eTwinning Centre in its first call, its projects have achieved the highest national and European recognition with 13 National and 11 European Quality Seals and it has an eTwinning teacher ambassador who won the National eTwinning Award 2108 (category 12-19 years old)
In 2019, the centre has achieved two major accomplishments. On the one hand, the ECHE Charter for Higher Education, which will allow our students in Higher Education to do their internships or to carry out a period of learning in another European country, and on the other hand, the award of the first Erasmus+ project «IESVA, better with Europe» for the mobilization of three teachers for training purposes.
Our European development plan is focused on improving the training needs of teachers in active and innovative methodologies, especially in STEM areas, on improving programming and competence assessment and on training in new technologies and digital tools for project-based learning.
During these years the involvement of the school’s professionals and the students and their families has resulted in the granting of distinctions and acknowledgements, which, thanks to the will and dedication of those who have participated, make our school community proud.
All of this reinforces the objective of this management team to fight for quality and excellence in teaching, for equity and inclusion in the school and to reinforce the work climate of both teachers and students in order to facilitate these achievements and make our institution a dynamic school, open to change and connected to the rest of Europe.
- Prize in the category of prevention of school dropouts, from the Atarfe Town Hall (2016)
- Center for the promotion of positive coexistence, of the Department of Education
- Participation in the Project Initiation of Research and Innovation in Secondary Education in Andalusia (PIIISA)
- Participation in Andalucía Profundiza (2018-2019)
- Participation in the Financial Education Program of the National Securities Market Commission and the Bank of Spain (2017-2021)
eTwinning School, from 2017 - National eTwinning Award 2018 with the project ‘Lo que escondía mi espejo / Ce que cachait mon miroir
- National eTwinning Award 2021 with the project ‘Women with conscience and science. Marie Curie. Looking for eTwinnio’
In this school year, 2021/22 our students’ nationalities are