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Erasmus Policy statement (EPS): our strategy

 IESAlhadrais a secondary school located in the city of Almería. This center opened its doors in the academic year 1970-1971, then with the name of National Institute of Mixed Middle Education. In the course of 1975-1976 he changed the name to I.E.S. Alhadra. From 1999-2000, this institution diversified its teaching, opening its doors to Vocational Training and welcoming, since then, both high school and high school students and Students of Initial Vocational Training (FPI) and Basic Vocational Training (FPB). It is one of the few Andalusiancentresthat, for several years, has had the different teaching modalities of the FP, since face-to-face teaching is provided, including the DUAL modality, distance learning and semi-face-to-face training. At the same time, there is the possibility of pursuing the Higher Degree Training Cycle (CFGS) of Early Childhood Education in bilingual (English-Spanish) modality. These studies belong to the higher education stage and include a mandatory Work Center Training (FCT) module that is carried out in companies in the professional sector.

Currently, IES Alhadra has a wide educational offer in Initial Professional Training (FPI), composed of two Professional Families. The following Training Cycles are offered in the Professional Family of Sociocultural and Community Services (SSP):

– Medium Grade Training Cycle: Technician in Assistance to People in Need of Care (in face-to-face mode as well as a group in semi-presence mode).

– Higher Technician in Pre-Primary Education (in the face-to-face and bilingual modality, and in the distance mode)

– Higher Technician in Social Integration and Higher Technician in Communicative Mediation (face-to-face mode)

– Higher Technician in Promotion of Gender Equality and Higher Technician in Socio Cultural and Tourist Animation (in dual mode)

Regarding to the second professional family, the Personal Image family are the following Training Cycles:

– Technician in Hairdressing and Hair Cosmetics Technician in Beauty Therapy

– Higher Technician in Characterization and Professional Makeup.

– Higher Technician in Integral Aesthetics and Wellness

– Higher Technician in Styling and Hairdressing Management

In addition, to serve the most disadvantaged students, since the 2014/2015, the basic professional training degrees of Hairdressing and Aesthetics are also offered, focused on students who have failed in their attempt to obtain the title of Compulsory Secondary Education by the ordinary itinerary. This academic year has also been launched the title of Basic Vocational Training Specific to Domestic Activities and Cleaning of Buildings, aimed at those students who present functional diversity. These teachings have been joined for several years by a specific classroom where students with special educational needs can develop their training on an equal footing.

All these teachings make IES Alhadra a great center that currently holds about 2100 students and more than 40 lines. The profile of the students of this institution is very heterogeneous in regards to their origin, age and access requirement. Attention to this diversity is therefore one of the fundamental pillars of the teaching practice of the teachers of this center.

According to the official curricula of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia and the current legislation in force in the Spanish State, it is mandatory to carry out internships in companies promoting European mobility.

That is why IES Alhadra (Almería) has been developing European mobility and cooperation programmes since 2009, at which point it obtained the first Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) which was renewed in 2014.Thanks to this, during this time different actions have been launched abroad, such as mobility of the students of the Higher Degree Training Cycles, to carry out their internship (professional module of Training in Work Centers), as well as mobility of teachers for their training.

Over the years there have been around 30mobilitiesfor students, as well as 20 for teachers. Thanks to these stays, important contacts have been achieved with companies in the productive sectors of both the personal image family and social services to the community, such as children’s schools, TV producers, circus, in countries such as Sweden, Finland, Germany, Italy, etc. In recent editions, ties have been strengthened, especially with Italy (Rome); where, through a multi-service company, virtually all of the social services of the SSC professional family are covered. The areas it covers are: Child Education, Social Integration, Communication Mediation, Dependent Care and Adapted Tourism.

This company has allowed us to develop an innovative project that has consisted on the creation of a professional exchange days between the teachers of our center and the different professionals of it.

Considering the structure open to the innovation of our center and the accumulated experience, the new CARTA ECHE 2021-27 provides a guarantee of continuity to the to the integral formation process of our educational community.

The Erasmusprogrammeallows both students and teachers to improve their communication skills in other languages and to fully understand the social, work, economic and cultural environment of the different European countries where they carry out mobility. For our students, it is essential to engage with professionals in their specialty in an international work context. In this way, they will be able to share different experiences that will lead to greater development both work and personal.

Participation in the Erasmus program aims at our centre:

  • To offer the possibility of training and cooperation activities outside Spain to both our students and teachers.

  • To promote the socio-labor integration of students who study FPGS in our Centre by completing their internship in countries of the European Union.

  • To improve the quality of our training offer.

  • To adapt the educational model to constant innovation in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and virtual learning.

  • To encourage the use of foreign languages (Italian, English, Italian Sign Language, International Sign System, Spanish Sign Language, among others) as a vehicle for collaboration and participation in the exercise of European citizenship.

  • To establish NETWORKS of international cooperation between our Center and other institutions and/or companies by making collaboration agreements with them.

  • To establish NETWORKS of international cooperation between our Center and other institutions and/or companies by making collaboration agreements with them.

Based on these objectives, the strategies that our center will implement to achieve it, and which are reflected in our plant plan, are as follows:

  • To increase qualitatively and quantitatively the collaboration with higher education entities and companies in our productive sector.

  • To make ICT a basic tool for both the realization of mobilities and the monitoring of them through the Moodle platform of the Junta de Andalucía.

  • To carry out accessible mobilities by facilitating both students and teachers with disability all the necessary adaptations to their achievement.

  • To promote the development of innovative practices for both students and teachers and that these can be applied to the reality of our center.

  • To promote the development of innovative practices for both students and teachers and that these can be applied to the reality of our center.

  • To welcome students and staff from other centres or entities from the different countries of the European Union so that they know our model of organization and training.

Therefore, the main purpose of our project is therefore to contribute to the European modernization and internationalization of the higher-level training of our center. To this end, a series of actions will be launched with the active support and participation of the entire management team.

IES Alhadra’s international strategy aims to enable participants to make the most of the Erasmus experience from a personal, professional and linguistic point of view. This aims are focused to enrich the process of teaching and learning of our centre as well as the European dimension of the institution itself.

To achieve all the objectives set, from our center, the following actions will be taken:

Student mobilities to study abroad: Students will be able to perform mobility in a Higher Education institution where the same training degree is taught that they are pursuing in our center. In this way, students will be able to know other educational plans and, at the same time, will be able to improve their language proficiency in the language of the host country. This experience will be very enriching both academically and on a personal level. In addition, it can help our center establish more direct contact with the centers for future ACTIONS KA2. At the same time, our center is offered as a recipient of students who are interested in making stays in it. This action will be very positive for the center since our students will be able to know first-hand educational, cultural and linguistic aspects from other countries.

Student mobility for internships: With this action, our CFGS students will carry out internships in different companies in the European Union related to their productive sector. With these stays they are recognized the credits necessary to be able to validate the work center training module (FCT), necessary to obtain the degree they are taking. These practices are highly valued by students because they have great personal and professional experience. It brings them a broad knowledge of the labor market in the countries where they are carried out and opens up new possibilities for labor insertion both in the host country and in their city once they return. Our experience so far in relation to these mobilities has always been based on stays related to the FCT of the students. From now on, it is intended to open up these mobility for newly qualified students, giving them a great opportunity to demonstrate in European companies or institutions the skills acquired during their two years of training.

Staff mobility for teaching:In the 19/20 course our center has, for the first time, 2 mobility scholarships of this type. Thanks to them, the staff of one of our partner companies in Italy will be able to teach in our center. It is therefore a great opportunity for the entire educational community and, in particular, for all students and teachers related to the productive sector to be treated, since they will be able to know the reality of their socio-labor and economic environment. On the other hand, for future calls, it is intended to carry out mobility of our staff to different European entities, to teach them. This will encourage the exchange of pedagogical experiences and strengthen ties for future collaborations.

Mobility of staff for training: The objective of these mobilities is that the staff of ourcentrecan know the reality of their productive sector in other countries of the European Union. To do this, Job Shadowing activities are carried out in educational institutions or companies. During these stays our teachers will be able to know innovative practices developed in other countries that you can transmit to your students. At the same time, it will involve an exchange of experiences between professionals that will improve teaching practice. From this moment on, our centre is also offered as a teacher receiver from other European countries interested in learning about our teaching methods. In addition, it is intended to extend these mobilities to non-teaching staff so that they can improve their daily practice.

Finally, from IES Alhadra, it is intended to strengthen ties with companies and collaborating institutions in order to be able, in the near future, to implement other more ambitious actions such as the actions KA203 Strategic Partnerships in the field of Higher Education.

TThe Erasmus committee of the centre will take care of all the necessary arrangements for the implementation of these mobility, as well as the recognition thereof.

For the implementation of these actions there is an Erasmus Commission consisting of three teachers working in coordination with the rest of the teachers of the centre, as well as with the management team which, at all times, encourages the implementation of any European initiative. In addition, our center has a number of European companies where our students and teachers have already made stays and are therefore a guarantee of success. In addition, the following ways are used to increase the number of collaborating entities:

1. Educationalcentreswith higher education from the European Union related to our productive sector.

2.Search on the Internet, on reliable portals, of companies related to the Personal Image and sociocultural services and the Community. Portals such as eTwinning, Red Eures or are websites where you can find collaborating partners that facilitate mobility.

3.Intermediary companies that assist students and teachers in the search for companies for internships or Job Shadowing. At the same time, some of these entities make it easy to find accommodation and resolve any issues that arise to participants

4.Collaboration by the participants themselves in the search for reception centers that meet their expectations. In addition, this initiative will help to expand our portfolio of companies.

5.The teachers of the Departments of Personal Image and SSC collaborate in the search forcentresfor the realization of mobility, because due to their work experience, they maintain contacts with European companies that are ready to collaborate in the reception of our students and teachers.

6.Contacts acquired thanks to the collaboration of teachers who, during their mobility or follow-up visits to trainee students, have attended at differentcentresto disseminate our Erasmusprogrammeand create new partnerships.

The Erasmus commission, in each course, informs the entire educational community of the mobility provided through talks and information leaflets. In addition, all this information is also transmitted in the initial course cloister, as well as in meetings of the Technical Pedagogical Coordination Team and school board. In this way, it is intended to motivate both students and teachers on the importance of making such mobility to enrich themselves both personally and professionally. Since this situation will positively influence the center and the teaching and learning process.

FFor the selection of students and staff, a transparent process is carried out in which, from a series of objective criteria, candidates are selected. All the steps to be followed to be able to access this process are made public in our blog This blog is the vehicle for communication between the candidates/selected and the Erasmus Commission, since it publishes aspects such as: selection process, resolution of candidates, deadlines to follow, indications before, during and after mobility, etc.

In addition, throughout the procedure there is the invaluable collaboration of different departments of the center:

  • Language departments call on students aspiring to mobility to bare the level of English and/or French.

  • The sign language teacher performs the International Sign System test for deaf students.

  • The guidance department issues a favorable student report, etc.

  • The Personal Image and SSC departments collaborate in the search for centers for the realization of the practices. In addition, some teachers tutor the final projects of the CFGS of the students and make follow-up visits to the different companies to check on site, in the country of destination, the development of the practices.

  • The Professional Training and Guidance department conducts workshops on motivational letters and CV Europass.

  • The educational teams of each higher degree perform an assessment of the students based on objective criteria related to the personal and professional skills of the students selected for mobility.

  • Management team: review of the baremation and the projects presented.

Therefore, an attempt is made to involve the different departments of the center so that the project is something common and enriching for the entire educational community.

Once the scale is obtained and the candidates are selected, the Erasmus commission is committed to managing everything necessary to be able to implement the mobility. The functions of this committee from now on would be as follows:

  • Contact with the different companies for the realization of agreements between institutions. In addition, participants will be provided with the necessary resources for the realization of mobility (subsidy agreements, insurance, brokerage companies if necessary, etc.)

  • Management for the hiring of a complementary insurance that extends the coverage offered by the Ministry of Education and Sport of the Andalusian Government. This insurance covers accidents, civil liability, health care and repatriation.

  • Information and follow-up to participants during the mobilities, responding to the demands related to their formative stay. This task will be carried out by e-mail or using THE MOODLE platform launched by the Andalusian Government for this purpose.

  • Constant collaboration with European entities and institutions to be able to offer our students and teachers a European perspective as close as possible to their professional reality.

  • Dissemination of European programmes carried out.

  • Preparation of reports and reports to be able to make an adequate assessment of the mobility carried out.

In regards to the dissemination of the Erasmus program, our main route is the Erasmus Program’s own blog well as the center’s website them, you can find all the performances and activities that are carried out with the Erasmus program (selection process, steps to follow, calendar of actions, presentation of experiences of the participants, etc.). Information leaflets prepared by the Erasmus committee as well as a video of theprogrammeis also available. Social networks like Twitter,@AlhadraErasmus, or the Erasmus project results platform (E PRP) are also used for this purpose. Finally, it should also be noted that information talks are held at broadcast days organized by the Almeria Teachers’ Centre as well as all kinds of meetings with the educational community with the aim of reporting on the Erasmus Programme and the results obtained.

In conclusion, this project aims to create a European educational area in our centre, which will bringmodernisationand internationalization to it. In this way the entire educational community of IES Alhadra will benefit.

The IES Alhadra, with the continuation of its Erasmus project, aims to achieve a significant impact based on the following five points:

1. Quantitative and qualitative improvement of access to quality higher education with a European character, making it significantly easier to open up for futurelabourmobility. The number of possibilities that our students have for internships in companies is increased, not only because of the geographical mobility itself, but because of the variety of work environments that are presented throughout Europe. Implicitly, school dropout for lack of motivation is reduced in the face of future work alternatives. In regards to teachers, there are mobilities to improve their technical, educational and linguistic qualities.

2. Our students’ European businesses are mobile to European companies, improving the quality of our Vocational Training teachings, while making them more employable. On the other hand, students develop all kinds of cross-cutting skills and prepare to better cope with a globalized economy and labor market. All this without forgetting the improvement in industrial relations and in the acceptance of multiculturalism.

3. International cooperation is a broadly positive factor in our institute. For years, bilingual (English-Spanish) teaching has been taught in the different educational stages, including Vocational Training, since the CFGS of Early Childhood Education is included in the training offer in its bilingual (English-Spanish) modality. Therefore, the possibility of making mobility to European Union countries under the Erasmus Programme is a source of motivation and a quality added value for this type of teaching.

4. Higher Education offered at our center corresponds to the titles of Senior Technician of professional families of Personal Image and Sociocultural Services and the Community. In order to provide up-to-date training, in line with the structural changes in the labour market, the legislation provides for internships in companies and encourages these practices to be carried out in foreign countries. All this allows our students to be in business research and innovation environments. Many of the companies, both small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the large corporations to which we send students have specific I+D+I (research, development and innovation) departments

5. All funding obtained from the Erasmus Programme is transparent and controlled by thecentre’smanagers. All quality requirements on funding requested by our national agency are rigorously met satisfactorily.


  • Improvement of your technical, professional and personal skills and competencies.

  • Increase self-confidence and self-esteem.

  • Improved relationships with others in other environments and cultures.

  • Improving language skills, giving them the transnational character they want.

  • Increased opportunities for job insertion as data indicate that mobility facilitates access to the labour market.

  • Increment of the motivation of students to obtain better academic record (in the selection process is one of the criteria that score favorably)

  • Increased of cultural awareness.

  • Possibility of making the labour market of other European countries known to students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

  • Reduction of school absenteeism due to increased motivation for the possibility of achieving mobility within the Erasmus program.

  • Promoting of European identity and spirit of international cooperation among students.


  • Improves professional and personal skills related to teaching practice.

  • Develops new perspectives on different intervention modalities, which will be taken to the classroom to share with their students.

  • Ament of motivation related to educational and technological innovation.

  • Improvement of the knowledge related to the professional sector in which you work.

  • Acquisition of new pedagogical and evaluation methods.


  • Increased number of enrolments due to the possibility offered to students to perform mobility to countries of the European Union.

  • Improvement of the center image.

  • Strength of collaboration with educational institutions or with the host companies of our participants.

  • Increment of the number of mobility for both students and the staff of the center.

  • Creating new actions KA203

  • Increasing international relations and developing new international cooperation projects thanks to the possibility of offering us as a reception centre for both students and teachers of other European entities and institutions.

  • European projection in a lifelong learning space.


  • Acquisition of new knowledge related to the educational offer of our center.

  • Possibility of conducting days of exchange of experiences with the staff of our center.

  • Creating new collaboration agreements.

  • Used a collaborative space for European training and learning.

The following assessment tools and indicators will be used to assess the achievement of the expected results:

– Number of visits to our Blog.

– Number of enrolments in the different Higher Technician of the center

– Meetings with students and participating staff to know their opinions (assessment questionnaires on the degree of satisfaction

– Intermediate and final report of the different calls for KA103 projects

– Number of mobility granted each year.

– Number of new companies to perform mobility.

– News related to the Erasmusprogrammeof our centre in the media.

– Participations in congresses, courses or talks, such as speakers, teachers or students who have participated in the mobility or members of the Erasmus commission.

The timing of the achievement of the expected results will depend on the calls made by our National Agency, SEPIE and the number of mobility granted each year. In general it would be as follows:


  • Informational talks on the mobility to be developed in that year both for the students of the second courses of the Higher Technician and for the staff of the center. It will be evaluated taking into account the number of attendees.

  • Study on the employment of the students who performed the mobility in the previous year. Through telephone contact or by email, the number of students who have obtained a job after mobility will be checked.

  • Process of selection of students and teachers. A public and transparent process will be carried out. It will be evaluated based on the number of requests.

  • Search company for mobility. The valuation carried out by the previous participants for the selection of companies will be taken into account. As for the new companies, the assessment of the corresponding Higher Technician teachers will be available to check the suitability of the teachers to the student training plan.


  • Realization of collaboration agreements. Through e-mail or video calls, the managers of the host companies will be contacted to manage everything necessary to implement the mobility.

  • Meetings exchanges with students and participating staff to assess the development of the process before mobility.

  • Monitoring of student mobility for internships. The MOODLE platform of the Junta de Andalucía will be used for evaluation and a specific number of entries will be marked in the forum of the same. In these entries, weekly, the students must comment on the tasks carried out in their work center.


  • Tracking teacher mobility (usually done in June to affect as little as possible the normal development of the center).

  • Completion of mobility and their subsequent evaluation. At the end of their stays, students and participating staff will complete a satisfaction questionnaire where they assess all aspects of their stays and the work carried out by the Erasmus committee of the centre.


Completion of the final report and the evaluative memory of the previous course project. The report sent by SEPIE will be carried out

This schedule is flexible and can therefore be varied depending on the events that may arise each year and depending on the duration of the projects (12, 24 or 36 months).

WWithin a maximum period of two years, a KA203 is intended to be launched with the aim of expanding our actions and giving the opportunity to a greater number of students and staff from the center to participate in European exchanges.

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