Auxiliares bilingües

Auxiliares bilingües de conversación.

Ficha Informativa para AACC English



  • IES Ramón Del Valle Inclán 
  • Address : Calle Dr. Palomares García, 2, 41020 Sevilla – Telephone number: 955 62 28 48 
  • Email: 
  • Location link on Google  Maps.


Education Level 

Middle School/High School (12 to 18 year-old-students )


Staff Contact for Language  Assistants 

Email for the bilingual coordinator:

Collaboration subjects of the  Language Assistant

The language assistant will collaborate with the teachers of the  following subjects:  

Physics and Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, P.E., Philosophy,  History, Music, Technology and English.

Norms, Resources and Materials for  Language Assistant collaboration

Links to resources or materials will be provided to new assistants  when they are accepted for the next academic year on the IES  Ramón Del Valle Inclán Bilingual Drive. 

The norms of the Centre (schedules, photocopies, etc.) will be  attached, if necessary, when the assistant is fully accepted for the  next academic year. 

We include two links below from the official blog from Junta de  Andalucía in Seville to help future assistants in their new post.

Information about the  neighbourhood and city (video)

Brief introduction about Seville taken from wikipedia.  wikipedia Seville 

Full Information about the area of Sevilla Este, where the school is  situated. It includes methods of transport to get to Sevilla Este and  to the town centre. Sevilla Este

Getting to school 

Public transport schedules. Link to the website if available.  Tussam


Línea 27 de autobuses a su paso por Sevilla Este 

Línea Trayecto 

27 Sevilla Este Plaza del Duque 

22 Sevilla Este Prado San Sebastián 

B4 Torreblanca Parque Alcosa San Bernard

LE Sevilla Este – Prado de San Sebastián 

● Línea LE. En septiembre de 2017 comenzó a  funcionar una nueva línea de Tussam, que conecta  Sevilla Este con el Prado de San Sebastián, tiene la  finalidad de acortar la duración del tiempo necesario  para acceder al centro de la ciudad. El horario  previsto es de lunes a viernes de 7 de la mañana a  10 de la noche. El inicio de la línea se ubica en  Residencial Andalucía y el trayecto pasa por  Avenida de las Ciencias, Alcalde Luis Uruñuela (Las  Góndolas), Los Arcos, Gran Plaza, Nervión y San  Bernardo. La duración prevista del recorrido es de 32 minutos. La frecuencia de paso es cada 8 minutos en hora punta y cada 10 minutos el resto  del día.

Possibility of a ride share with other teachers, if possible, it depends  on availability for the next course.


– Where to live in town? 

– Possibility of staying with a family? – Possibility of sharing a flat with  other teachers or language  assistants?

Accommodation is a topic that depends largely on each assistant´s  choice, as every person has different priorities. The school is about a  30–35-minute drive by bus to the town centre. You might prefer to  live in the area and save on transport for the school or you might  prefer to live in the town centre even though you will have to take the  bus there and back. It is a very personal choice, with its pros and  cons.  

Should you need further advice, please get in contact with the  bilingual coordinator and we will try to help you decide which option  is best for you. 

Contact with other language  assistants or mentor

This course we have an assistant, V.T., from The USA, who has  indicated to us that she is willing to help future assistants with any  questions you may need to ask. If you are accepted into the school, we will be happy to provide you with her email address.

Previous Experiences published  publicly from prior language  assistants 

We provide you with some blogs from other schools, as we will be  creating a new blog next academic year. 


Blog de Pilar Torres  

Blog del IES Valle del Azahar “Bilingual Azahar” 

Vídeo del auxiliar Benjamín Burton “Late for work”