Category Archives: Classwork
In groups of four, the students interpret an isobar map and predict the weather.
PRESENTATION: The students make a presentation. They interpret an isobar map as well as a weather map and tell the weather forecast as if they were the weather person.
The presentation includes
- A brief description of the isobar map pointing out the high and low pressure areas.
- An Interpretation of an isobar map using a weather map.
- A brief description of the weather map. That is, telling the weather forecast including a description of the precipitation (form of water) and types of clouds.
3ºESO C: Cellular Organisation Levels
Póster Niveles de Organización celular
Los alumnos describen los niveles de organización celular del ser humano, desde el nivel más elemental, la célula, hasta el nivel de mayor complejidad, el organismo como un todo. Utilizan ejemplos específicos en cada nivel manejando el vocabulario y los conceptos en inglés aprendidos en la Unidad 1.