Didactic London 2017

From  4th to 8th March, 2017, 50  2º ESO students from our school did the DIDACTIC LONDON activity consisting of a trip to London staying at  English host-families. This way, they have the opportunity of getting to know how a British family lives and practicing the language. 
We also went sightseeing  Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park, Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Westminster, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul’s Cathedral, got on the London Eye and visited a wide variety of museums such as British Museum, Natural History Museum, The National Gallery, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich Observatory. 

In addition to this, we went shopping to Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Street and Covent Garden.

This activity is scheduled in our Bilingual Programme so that it helps motivating students’ interest  in their learning process of  subjects taught in English  such as PE, Physics & Chemistry, Geography & History, Technology, etc….

Video recordings of the visit:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries?list=PLImDoss7ylQEzOLPfkiOuSpIpVYnlzfnz?ecver=1]

Some pictures of the activity:

Finally this is Luis’ video recording, you are gonna like it  😀