A nuestro IES Rodrigo Caro le ha sido concedida la Carta Universitaria Erasmus para el periodo 2021/2027. Esta carta es un requisito previo para permitir la movilidad de los alumnos del ciclo Formativo de grado superior ASIR en la modalidad de prácticas de empresas (módulo FCT) en el marco del nuevo programa europeo Erasmus +.
Erasmus Policy Statements
Our institution is really interested in carrying out an international EU strategy. In the framework of the programme, there we are interested in student mobility for traineeships (student placements only).
Our institution has been participating in the EREIVET network. It helps young people in vocational education and training to use Europe as place to learn, work and live, promoting the internationalisation of vocational education and training in the regions through sharing experience, knowledge and expertise. It has been a good meeting point in order to choose our partner like participants in Leonard project. Rodrigo Caro High School provides the Higher Vocational Training Course: ‘Informatic Systems Administration and Networks’.
Our school has actively taken part in the projects promoted by the Educational Council in the Andalusian Region, such as Leonard programme, by placing students in companies throughout the European Union for lower grades. In the Curriculum of the higher vocational education, it is stated that students will have to spend a certain amount of practical training period in companies prior to be granted with their degrees.
Our students have the opportunity of doing work placements abroad as part of their education. One of our school main aims is to provide students with the opportunities to enhance their theoretical knowledge in a real working setting in a different country. Living and working for a period of at least 3 months brings about deep individuals changes , such as,improvements in their technical, personal and language skills to deal with unfamiliar situations in a work environment.
This Erasmus programme allow us to increase the opportunities for our students to participate in education and training abroad to improve their employment prospects – and the quality of their learning experiences – is a priority for us. The Erasmus University Charter will be fully spread throughout the entire Educational Community: particularly by teacher staff, administrative staff, members of the College Council, Town Hall representatives, press releases in educational magazines and teacher seminars. Detailed information about how our students are doing abroad will be also available on the school web page.