Autor: Anna Konior


Eurodesk and EuroSkills 2020

EuroSkills is a vocational skills contest staged every two years in the form of European championships. In 2020, around 650 competitors from eight vocational categories will meet in Graz to compete for victory in about 45 skills and trades. They will be accompanied by up to 1,000 coaches and will...


Adicción a los teléfonos móviles y las tabletas.

Durante el pasado mes de diciembre un grupo de cinco alumnos y dos profesores participaron en Knezha (Bulgaria) en un encuentro dentro del proyecto «Technology Addictions in Adolescents». En este caso el tema a tratar era «Adicción a los teléfonos móviles y las tabletas». Durante la estancia (del 9 al...


Safety in the workshop

Seguridad en el taller y en el trabajo: un proyecto eTwinning.  Durante los días del 18 al 30 de noviembre un grupo de seis estudiantes franceses y varios profesores, todos ellos del instituto BTP CFA Isére (Francia) han estado realizando diversas actividades en nuestro Centro. Cinco departamentos (Internacionalización u cooperación,...


La Guayana en Europa

  El reportaje se hizo en el Centro Arqueológico Amerindio de Kourou (CAAK), visitando el museo arqueológico amerindio y realizando talleres como : hacer fuego artesanalmente (es de lo que estaban hablando durante la entrevista) y realizando pinturas cada estudiante en arcilla, simulando  las que habían realizado en piedra la...



[ngg src=»galleries» ids=»16″ display=»basic_slideshow»]DÍA 1 Después de casi 5 horas de avión, llegamos al aeropuerto de Estambul. Allí nos esperaba un transfer que, en tres horas, nos condujo al hotel de Düzce a descansar. A la mañana siguiente nos dirigimos a la escuela y, después de darnos la  bienvenida,  entregarnos...


French teachers at our school

Last Wednesday we received a visit from two teachers from France!  After giving a welcome, introduction and a short explanation of the Erasmus+ activities at La Rosaleda, we gave the teachers a tour around our school. We visited the carpentry and hospitality departments – after that the teachers had a...


EU Vocational Skills Week 2019

The past two weeks at La Rosaleda were full of promoting the idea of mobility in the European Union. The annual event ‘’European Vocational Skills Week” is an opportunity for students, teachers and companies to exchange information about vocational and professional training. #EUVocationalSkillsWeek is a series of various event and...


Happy Halloween!

Today we are celebrating Halloween! On that occassion we (the european volunteers with help from the teachers 😊) organized a series of activities for the students. For 3 days we have been visiting classes, doing short presentation on the history of Halloween and traditions in our countries – Poland and...


Guests from abroad

Last Wednesday (23rd of October) we hosted a multinational visit from our partners from many European countries. The teachers represented various schools: Lbs Kreativa Gymnasiet Stockholm Soedra and Fridegårdsgymnasiet from Sweden; Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Center from Lithuania; IPSSCA – Cattaneo Deledda, Istituto Tecnico Economico e Tecnologico Andrea Mantegna and...