Already 3 months in Málaga

Hola a todos,

I’m living here in Málaga for 3 months already and I would like to share with you my Spanish experience.

I decided to do an European Voluntary Service (EVS) in order to discover a new country, a new culture and improve my Spanish. In only 90 days, I fell in love with your city and your culture.

People here are really welcoming and smiling. If I need anything, every-time some people come to help me. In your High School, some teachers and students bring me their support in order to help me to improve my Spanish (and many of you know now, how la «j» (jota) is complicated to pronounce for me… 😉 ). So first: I wanted to thank you for your help and your patience.

Doing this EVS was a good decision because thanks to this Erasmus+ program I discovered:

  • how to be independent.
  • how to live in community by sharing a flat with other people.
  • how to live without my family.
  • how to deal with my monthly money.
  • new european cultures (Spanish, Italian, Ukrainian, Polish, British, Serbian, Macedonian, German,…).
  • etc..

EVS helps people to discover themself and changes their life. Leaving your home and your country without speaking the language of your future hosting country is a really big challenge ! At the beginning, it’s scary but after some time, you realized it is a good challenge.

In 3 months, I had to get use to Andalusian language because I learnt Spanish a long time ago at school and in Málaga (as you know) you have your own dialect:

  • Usually, when you are speaking, you don’t pronounce the final «s»: «tres euros» become «tre euro»
  • In a restaurant: «namas?» means «nada más ?»
  • You don’t say «buen fin de semana» but «buen finde»
  • Sometimes, you don’t say «Buenas dias/tardes» but just «buenas»
  • Etc…

Trust me, for a foreigner: this is so disturbing !!! Hahaha

But everyday, I get use to it faster and faster and I think at the end of my project I will be able to speak Andalousian ! («Ojalá»

I never left my country before this year and at the beginning I was so nervous… But now, I don’t want to go home because I just want to learn more and more about you, your country, your culture and your language. When my project will be over (in june), I think I will do another one because (once again) it brings you so much ! And that’s why, I really advice you to participate to an Erasmus+ experience at least once in your life. 

To finish in Spanish: Muchas gracias para estos 3 meses, estoy impaciente de vivir los 6 próximos con vosotros 🙂

¡Hasta luego !


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