A simple way to change your life

Hello everyone! My name is Anna and I am this year’s volunteer at Your school, La Rosaleda. I am 21 years old and I originally come from Poland. Before moving to Malaga I was studying International Relations at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania cracow jagiellonian university

I will stay at La Rosaleda for the next 9 months, so until next June. Here I will be assisting teachers and coordinators with various acitvities, creating events for students, helping with some administrative tasks connected to Erasmus+. I will also have ‘’speaking sessions’’ in English to allow You all to practice the language on two levels – intermediate and advanced. If You are interested in participating, just click here for more info: [ENGLISH].

During my studies in Poland I learned a lot about the European Union and its famous projects like Erasmus+, internships, job opportunities, school exchanges. I’ve always thought that being a part of an international project would be a great opportuinity for me to test my knowledge in practice. For that reason I started reseraching different opportunities for me to leave Poland and that is how I discovered the European Voluntary Service (EVS).

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European Voluntary Service is an EU’s project from the same category as Erasmus+. It allows young people  between 18 and 30 years old to leave their country and participate in many different projects all around the world as european volunteers. You may think that EVS is not very popular or well financed. You are wrong. When I joined the EVS/ESC group on Facebook in Poland I was impressed by the amount of opportunites and available projects. I was particularly interested in going to Spain, because I had been learning Spanish for some time and I really wanted to improve it. I also thought that moving somewhere so different from my country, Poland, would be a great opportunity to go outside my comfort zone.

The different Erasmus+ projects that La Rosaleda offers are a great opportunity to CHANGE YOUR LIFE. It may seem scary at first, but it is worth trying. You can visit the school’s website [HERE] and other EU pages to find more information about different opportunities. 

That was a short introduction of myself and my project here in La Rosaleda. I hope that my stay here will be super benefitial.



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