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Secondary agricultural school in Lower Normandy region in France

A secondary agricultural school in Lower Normandy region, in France, is looking for partners for a Comenius project. They are looking for a school which want to lead a project because they are not experimented in this European program. Teachers of the school are very interested in different topics like : History (Middle age), cultural diversity, rural territorial identities…

There are 130 students, from 14 to 18 years-old, in the school. They are trained in agriculture, equestrian field and small business sectors (crafts as hairdressing, plumbing, bakering…).

Contact :

Bérénice CILLONI

Maison Familiale Rurale de Balleroy

81, rue des forges


Tel : 02 31 21 68 48

Fax : 02 31 21 08 70

WebSite : mfr.balleroy@mfr.asso.fr

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